A kid has to know his little aviation museum

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We have a small international airport in Antwerp, and next to it there’s a little aviation museum: Stampe & Vertongen Museum. Last week we decided to pay a visit there. It’s a tiny, little and lovely museum with some old airplanes and a lot of models. Our 6-year-old was excited to see all those airplanes, and kept one of the museum officials very busy with so many questions. The museum presented interesting aspects of aviation history of Belgium, and also reminded me of the days when I’ve spent countless hours building aircraft models.

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A kid has to start with some electronic circuits

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I was curious about how my 6-year-old would react when he saw the gift package of Snap Circuits. I told him that his uncle sent this box full of electronic projects, so that we could spend time together building interesting things. Lucky for me, he was thrilled at the sight of it. This evening we decided it was time to build some circuits, and finished the first three projects.

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We had great time together, and I tried to explain each circuit. I had some difficulties in explaining the concept of electricity, the flow of electrons, and atoms (“no dear, atoms are everywhere, not only in atomic bombs… yes, they also exist in atomic bombs… no, we’re not building anything dangerous, yes, please be careful with that spinning fan!”). Overall it was a great experience, and we’ll continue to build the remaining 97 projects, as well as try to come up with our designs.